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Terms and conditions

online check-in

By using the online Check-in service, the Customer agrees that the following Terms and Conditions are binding for themselves and all the guests included in their reservation.

1.1. The following words and expressions shall have the following meaning unless the context requires otherwise.
1.2. General conditions: Hotel Alla Salute Srl General conditions according to the kind of stay the Customer checks in for, as published on the web site. The company reserves the right to modify or supplement, at any time, all or part of these General Terms and Conditions.
1.3. Customer: an individual adult or legal entity who will stay at an SHG hotel on their own or with other guests.
1.4. Online Check-in: the service supplied by SHG in accordance to the following Terms and Conditions, which gives the Customer and the guests included in the reservation the right to check-in online.

2.1. It is possible to check-in online following a reservation on the web site of every SHG hotel. Online check-in is a measure to avoid crowding the lobby, as required by recent health protection decree laws.
2.2. It is possible to check-in directly by entering the credentials received during the reservation, that is username, password and reservation code.
2.3. When checking-in online, the service is applied to all the guests included in the reservation. All details shall be entered.
2.4. In order for the procedure to be correctly finalised, the following data shall be entered:
– ID information for Customer and guests included in the reservation;
– a mobile phone number (to be used only in case of urgent communications – no marketing purpose).
2.5. After checking in the guests shall collect the room key at the hotel reception.
2.6. Once checked in, the Customer will receive a confirmation email for them and any other guest included in the reservation.
2.7. Online check-in can be only applied where available. Should you need further assistance please contact our customer service.
2.8. Should the Customer add further services to an already existing reservation, they will receive a confirmation email, in accordance to art. 2.6 of these Terms and Conditions.
2.8.1. Should the Customer change their reservation, a confirmation email will be sent in accordance to art. 2.6 of these Terms and Conditions.
2.9. Online check-in is subject to availability.
2.10. Online check-in is available for all SHG direct reservations

3.1. Automatic check-in is free of charge.

5.1. SHG reserve the right to limit the availability of online check-in.
5.2. With regard to the personal data provided during the online check-in application process, SHG acts in full compliance with the laws in force regarding the protection of personal data. SHG Privacy Policy is available on the website.
5.3. Unless otherwise stated by mandatory clauses or laws in force, these Terms and Conditions will be governed by Italian law. Any dispute between Guests and SHG regarding this service will be subject to Italian jurisdiction.

1 May 2020